Bao bochníčky

Menu: Predjedlo

Alergény: Mliečne výrobky, Lepok
Stredná náročnosť



For the starter:
vlažná voda
40 ml
vlažné mlieko
60 ml
čerstvé kvasnice
10 g
½ polievková lyžica
rastlinný olej
1 polievková lyžica

For the dough:
múka z bielej pšenice
150 g
½ polievková lyžica
prášok na pečenie
1 g
1 g


  1. Prepare the starter. Crush yeast into lukewarm water and milk, add sugar and oil and mix. Allow it to rise for about 10 minutes.
  2. Make the dough from the ingredients. Add the starter to the flour, then add the sugar, baking powder and salt. Stir for 4 minutes.
  3. Form the dough into a ball. Cover it with a cotton cloth and allow it to rise for 2 hours.
  4. Form the dough into 20 g balls. Cover them with a cotton cloth and allow them to rise for 30 minutes.

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